LAlapsambEL and the City

Archive for Maret 2011


Posted on: Maret 31, 2011

I’m grateful to have a chance to learn about women.

In my office, I see career women doing their best for their work, no matter how difficult it is. I don’t know how they are at home, but at the office they’re confident and responsible with their decisions.

During my commuting time, I see women proudly going to work, doing their best to look beautiful, even though some fall asleep during the travel, might be tired from doing their job and serving their family – no time for rest.

Some of these working moms call their children during the day in between their busy meetings or in the evening on their way home or at night when they have to go for out-of-town business. They work hard to handle their double roles, yet they handle them very well. I guess this is what our modern society expects to women: to work with the same quality with men, yet handling responsibility to take care of the family.

Now, let’s look at other kind of women. My current job is handling products for women. Of course, I need to understand my consumer. With this, I get a chance to see women with different role from what I wrote above: housewives. Since I haven’t got a chance to have this role on my own, I didn’t know how their life is like. Here, I learn what they feel and what they do, what makes them happy or sad. A lot of people think that being a housewife is easy, happy, not frustrating, etc. But when I hear from them, I see that they work as hard – to keep their husbands happy with their appearance, food they cook, house they clean up, to take care their children well, or even to ensure the money their husband gives is enough for all the household needs.

Doing their not-as-easy roles, yet a lot of them feel they are nothing compared to men, or even to career women. I think this world is not built by only some group of people, but by each of us. We need everyone to feel as important. Women – together with men – build the world. We might have different roles, but it is not our right to undermine roles of others.

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