LAlapsambEL and the City

Thank You – Antarmuka Team, Butterfly Project

Posted on: April 30, 2008

Hi, everyone! I know this is a very late update, nearly a week late *blame the accumulated lack of sleep and class assignments* :mrgreen: As some of you might have known, after all weekdays, weeknights, weekends (well, basicly our life) in MIC for the last 2-3 weeks, finally my team, Antarmuka, with our project, Butterfly, will represent Indonesia in Software Design Imagine Cup 2008.

As Arief, Antarmuka Team leader, has posted here, we’d like to thank everyone who has helped us. This thank you list is quite different from Arief’s since it’s also added with my personal thanks. So, Antarmuka Team would like to thank:

  • God, for all the blessings, so we can build Butterfly well until now
  • Mr. Dwi H. Widyantoro, our mentor, who always do the best for us
  • Mr. Zeddy & Mr. Umar (for organizing the best Imagine Cup Indonesia ever. Good job!)
  • All the Judges – Mr.Risman, Mr. Norman, Mr. Rene, Mr. Tahir (Thank you for giving us a chance to give our best in the Worldwide Finals)
  • Ibam, who helped us get connected with Ministry of Environment, Republic of Indonesia
  • Ministry of Environment, Republic of Indonesia
  • Anto TL 05, who helped us get connected with WALHI
  • Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (WALHI) Jawa Barat
  • Okta (for the support and suggestions)
  • Mr. Naren (for the support, suggestion, 3G Modem and notebook for the Top 4 Final)
  • Igor (for exchanging his PDA with my cell phone for about a week, that we used for demonstration in both final rounds)
  • Mr. Iping S (for the support, and the notebook that we borrowed for the Top 4 Final)
  • Mr. Direkta (my uncle, for the notebook for the Top 4 Final)
  • Dewa, aka Khoirush Sholih (for the 3G modem for the Top 4 Final)
  • Fajar F (for helping us setting up our hardware)
  • Ronald and all MIC ITB crews(for providing us a place to stay and late night freaks for the last 3 weeks :mrgreen: )
  • All Informatika ITB students, lecturers, and employees
  • The supporter team that came to the Top 4 Finals, especially Desi, who coordinated all the supporters)

Now, personally, I’d also thank:

  • My family, especially my parents, for all the support and inspiration, so I can be someone like I am now
  • The Imries, my host family in the US, for all the information about the US reporting system (911), voice recognition system and for the never-ending lesson of English and the insight of American life
  • Student English Forum ITB, for all the debate practices, so I can explain a problem well, provide a logical argument, and be a public speaker & quick thinker
  • All my friends, for all the supports expressed through sms, chat, and Facebook walls, hehehe..

And also many more that I can’t put one by one here. Thank you very much!

Now, I’d also like to confirm several things here. First, my name was written wrongly by several media, including Detik and ITB. Since Microsoft shortened my name to Ella M Dwi Mustika (replaced “Madanella” with “M”), those media easily missed the “M”, and my name was put as “Ella Dwi Mustika”. Sorry about the long name, but it should be “Ella Madanella Dwi Mustika”. Haha, ga penting ah. Anyway, I’d also like to thank my teammates – Arief, Dimas, Erga. We’ll never made it without any one of us, because each of us have our own expertise and contribution to the team.

Now, here’s a brief description of Butterfly, our project:

Butterfly is an integrated system for reporting, documentation, and publication of environmental problems. Butterfly can receive a report from public through sms, phone calls, Butterfly website, and Butterfly mobile application. After Butterfly receives a report, it will classify the problem according to the category and priority through report keyword analysis. Therefore, a report would have a priority value and category, which determine where it would be sent. After that, the report would be forwarded to the proper authority that can handle the problem. The authority has to decide what to do with the report, whether it would be processed, postponed, or ignored. Whatever he decides, he has to put a reason why he decides that. The report then would be published on the Internet through Butterfly website, so the society can see the environmental that is currently happening, and how the responsible authority handles it.

You can also download our proposal at

So, that’s my so-called official report of Imagine Cup 2008. I’ll write the “behind the scene” stories soon, just be patient for it! 😉

7 Tanggapan to "Thank You – Antarmuka Team, Butterfly Project"

Hoho… Thank’s to nya buat anak2 IF juga kan… Sama2 deh kalo gitu, hehe… (apa coba…)

Good luck ya di Paris… Antarmuka bawa nama Indonesia ni… Oleh-oleh jangan lupa ya La… Buat OOPS tuh, especially for me, haha…

ckckck.. ttg salah ketik nama ternyata bener2 ditulis ya? hehe..
udah gw bilangin, lo buat nama panggung aja mendingan. haha.. :p

wah3… di blogQ ad yg nge-google ella madanella, kok

@Samuel: Thanx!
@Reisha: Tenang”.. paling kalo ga bawa oleh”, tinggal gw bilang OOPS, sorry lupa 😀 Hehe, bcanda”… bakal dibawain kok 😀
@rabz: Nama panggung? Tetep bisa berubah” dong.. kayak Mulan Kwok jadi Mulan Jameela… Wew, apaan sih gw, ga jelas..
@restya: oya?

selamat ya, ka ella…
hebat banget…keren…^^
moga sukses ntar di Prancisnya ya..

met lamet ya bu..
mantab kali pun ella ini ngomong english-nya..
kapan2x ajarin ya..

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